January 2022 \\ in FOCUS at Dochia \\ ATTENTION

The key to getting things done is doing what’s important, not doing it all."

Adriana Mot

Ten minutes in the bathroom.
Fifteen to get the coffee going.
An hour to get ready altogether, with emails, showers, breakfast of champions, high heels, and makeup, then all covered by colour-coordinated mask.
Lipstick to touch up all the mess the masked created.
Powdered and perfumed, out the door into the world.

What will you do today?

Can you maintain focus, harness your mind to continue for hours with its disciplined progression of thoughts and processes? Will your salary cover the neurons you give, your neurons that sharpen the sword which carves your work tasks? Will you get what you need when you give the world what the world wants?

Pay attention to making an exchange when exchange is warranted. To not offer, unless it is what you really want to do. To give, only what you’re prepared to give. To confidently take what you need for yourself.

That is what attention can mean, if you let it.


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