Do you own your interior design practice? Where do you focus your attention and what do you prioritize? part 1

Being your own boss in interior design is not as easy as you think. If you work by yourself and generate enough income to support your basic self, live the life you want, save for a rainy day and, yes, save for that retirement that willy-nilly will come, then you’re good.

If you have what CRA calls a “small firm” – which, by the way, is defined as having 5 to 99 employees -then you probably infused a bit of HR hierarchy into your workflow to manage the 40-hour week efficiently.

However, most firms are sandwiched in the in-between in what is called a “mini-practice.” According to CRA, mini-practices have 2 to 4 employees and take up almost 80% of the interior design practices in Canada. This is huge! So how do the owners of these firms manage to cover what is needed, and do they indeed live the good life that everyone thinks they do? Because if you want to own your firm, it is statistically likely that this is the kind you will have.

Read the full article on the blog HERE