Posts by Adriana Mot
DOCHIA SERVICES 👉 Building beautiful connections between people and their surroundings.

From consults to the Red Carpet experience and everything in between Dochia has a wide range of interior design services developed to fit the needs of any client. Over 21 years in business and multiple award winning projects, Dochia has established itself as one of the top 2% interior design firms in Ontario.

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in FOCUS \\ August '22 \\ SELF CARE

The realization that we're truly alone in this world comes much later in life than it should. In fact, for some, it does not come at all. Some think of this as a bad thing when in fact, there is nothing bad about it. Too much reliance on parents, extended family, friends and support groups is detrimental to an individual's life on many levels. On the other hand self-sufficiency, at least to a certain extent, is extremely useful.

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Setting up the ultimate backyard feast just in time for summer

Whether your entertaining an intimate group of friends or hosting the annual long weekend barbeque blowout the right outdoor setup is key to making the gathering a success. When the weather permits and al fresco dining becomes the standards we have a few tips up our sleeves to amp up any backyard spread. Bonus, all these ideas can be adapted to suit the space your working with, whether it be a 100 sqft balcony or sprawling backyard terrace.

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What is good communication and why in design it mostly means perfectly organizing myriads of decisions

Good communication is about clarity of expression. That’s what we were all taught from the early days, and that’s the first mistake. Asserting that the control of communication is in the hands of the sender while ignoring that interpretation at the receiver’s end is as crucial, is the exact recipe for the Tower of Babel. We do not get taught enough how to correctly interpret the information that we receive or negotiate clarity along the way. As a result, we are all convinced we send the information out accurately, and, naturally, it’s everyone else’s fault for not getting it right.

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