Posts tagged lifestyle
Time's a waste! Change your home and boost your brain power

What is there to think about when you thought about "things" for more than half a century? What is there to buy when you bought all that you need? Where is there to travel when you've travelled everywhere. If you've gotten to the point where you've wondered about these, the answer is ... plenty. And if you think otherwise, your brain needs realignment.

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in FOCUS \\ August '22 \\ SELF CARE

The realization that we're truly alone in this world comes much later in life than it should. In fact, for some, it does not come at all. Some think of this as a bad thing when in fact, there is nothing bad about it. Too much reliance on parents, extended family, friends and support groups is detrimental to an individual's life on many levels. On the other hand self-sufficiency, at least to a certain extent, is extremely useful.

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in FOCUS \\ May '22 \\ CREATIVITY

Ah! Where do I begin? There is no life outside of a creative life. For some it is as tiny morsel, for some, a whole ocean.

Anthropologically we look at where we came from and all we admire in the history of mankind is the creative drive that brought along development and civilization. Looking towards the future, it's still the most creative outputs that hold our breath high enthralled in pleasure, intensely stimulating and exhilarating.

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Over the top hotels and Blue Zone lifestyle, two major trends for this Spring

Travel to new destinations will be enhanced by how hotels continue to evolve.

Hotels are amazing places. They are our palace-home, away from home. We all, if we get there, no matter from what economic bracket, are pampered, serviced and treated with full attention. As hotels compete for an increasingly selective traveller, new trends will emerge in hospitality that will be bound to please the famished globetrotter in all of us: we will likely see an increase in service offerings, rooms will have an added personal touch and select VIP packages will offer unique and extra-memorable experiences.

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Donate and help Ukrainian families

❤️ To all Ukrainian families, this is our way to help. 🗽 There are 195 countries in the world. If each of them donates the cost of living of one Ukrainian family for a month they would commonly raise 351,000C$. It only takes 0.09¢ from each Canadian to reach that goal. It takes 5¢ from each Torontonian to reach that goal.

Head out to our donation page and help. However, you want to donate, through our site, through the charity links we provide, or through charitable organizations of your own choosing, it’s irrelevant. What is important is to act.

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Over 5000 views on the YouTUBE channel reached in February

A message from Adriana 🔔 It is with great humbleness that I say this: I have received sooo many comments from you that the stories I write and film are inspirational and insightful! I’m so glad that you’re feeling connected and so grateful for the growing audience! I realize that some of the videos are not yet all on design topics but, they are all about life and how to better live it. Design is a great tool to get you there – thank you for being patient and waiting for me as I find my words to explain how. Keep on reading and watching 🧞‍♀️xA. Click HERE , join our Land of Dochia family and subscribe!

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